
student in a laboratory

Engineering - Smart Building Technology Conc

Smart Building Technology Concentration

Ãå±±ÂÖ¼é’s Smart Building Technology Concentration (within the Engineering Degree) is designed to give students the education and skills needed to maintain smart buildings. Smart buildings deliver essential automated building services such as lighting, cooling and heating, and air quality, at the lowest cost and environmental impact over the building lifecycle.  In order for smart buildings to run at maximum efficiency, the buildings must be maintained by skilled, technology-savvy facilities managers and technicians, trained on digital automated maintenance systems. 

The City of Boston is filled with smart buildings; but there aren’t enough technicians trained on smart building technology to ensure that the buildings are running properly.  Ãå±±ÂÖ¼é’s Smart Building Technology Concentration will provide you with the skills and certifications needed to fill these in-demand jobs.   


Students learning about smart building technology

Course Requirements

Semester One Credits
ACS102 The College Experience 3.00
EGR120 Engineering Computatns I 3.00
EGR150 Building Automation Syste 4.00
ENG101 English Comp. I 3.00
MAT103 Pre-Calculus 4.00
Semester Two Credits
EGR131 DC Circuits with Lab 4.00
EGR160 BAS Control Device 1 4.00
ENG102 English Comp. II 3.00
HUMELECT Humanities Electives 3.00
Semester Three
EGR132 AC Circuits with Lab 4.00
EGR133 Intro to Digital Logic 4.00
EGR260 BAS Control Device 2 4.00
SSIELECT Social Science Electives 3.00
Semester Four
EGR121 Engineering Design 3.00
EGRGRP Engnr Elec see Hrs/ Recom 3.00
IST142 Network Fundamentals 4.00
OPENELEC Open Electives 3.00
SCI299 Science Internship 3.00
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