
student in a laboratory

Web Technologies

Web Technologies

The Information Systems Technology Department offers an Associate in Science Degree in Web Technologies that is designed for students interested in becoming webmasters or web developers to design, develop and maintain both front and back-end components of websites. Through an in-depth course of study and a capstone project, students learn to create, maintain and manage industry-standard websites and commerce sites on networks. Graduates of this program will be prepared for entry-level employment in the rapidly growing field of web authoring software and web development. 

Student on his computer

Course Requirements

Semester One Credits
ACS102 The College Experience 3.00
ENG101 English Comp. I 3.00
IST110 or CIS102: Intro to Progr 3.00
IST145 or CIS122: Visual Basic 3.00
MAT103 Pre-Calculus 4.00
Semester Two Credits
ENG102 English Comp. II 3.00
IST120 or CIS141: Microcomp Apps 3.00
IST130 Linux Oper. Systems 3.00
IST142 Network Fundamentals 4.00
IST150 or CIS155: Web Dsgn Fluen 3.00
Semester Three
HUMELECT Humanities Electives 3.00
IST144 LAN Switching & Wireless 4.00
IST151 or CIS257 or IST151 3.00
SCIENCE Lab Sci see Hrs/ Recomm 4.00
SSIELECT Social Science Electives 3.00
Semester Four
HUMELECT Humanities Electives 3.00
IST210 Soc Issues & Ethics 3.00
IST250 or CIS159: Web Graphics 3.00
IST251 or CIS257: Internet Prog 3.00
IST298 or CIS298: Internship 3.00
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