
student in a laboratory

Information Systems Technology

Information Systems Technology

The Information Systems Technology Department offers an AS in Information Systems Technology degree that allows students to develop the information technology skills needed to succeed in today’s professional environment. This degree allows students to pursue a career or transfer to a four-year college. The degree prepares students for a wide variety of employment opportunities in the computer information services industry including computer operator, help desk support specialist, programmer, analyst, PC support technician, and network support technician. All program credits are transferable to UMass Boston or other private or public universities. Students in the IST program work with a department advisor to develop semester-by-semester class schedules leading to degree completion

Student presenting his information systems research

Course Requirements

Semester One Credits
ACS102 The College Experience 3.00
ENG101 English Comp. I 3.00
IST110 or CIS102: Intro to Progr 3.00
IST145 or CIS122: Visual Basic 3.00
MAT103 Pre-Calculus 4.00
Semester Two Credits
ENG102 English Comp. II 3.00
HUMELECT Humanities Electives 3.00
IST120 or CIS141: Microcomp Apps 3.00
IST130 Linux Oper. Systems 3.00
IST170 or CIS255: Java I 3.00
Semester Three
HUMELECT Humanities Electives 3.00
IST230 or CIS281: Relational DB 3.00
IST270 or CIS271: Java II 3.00
SCIENCE Lab Sci see Hrs/ Recomm 4.00
SSIELECT Social Science Electives 3.00
Semester Four
IST142 Network Fundamentals 4.00
IST150 or CIS155: Web Dsgn Fluen 3.00
IST210 Soc Issues & Ethics 3.00
IST298 or CIS298: Internship 3.00
MAT/IST Mat201 or IST Elect 4.00
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