All users of the College's information technology resources must agree to abide by
this Policy.
Users: Current faculty, staff, and students of the College are authorized to use the College's
Computer Network and Services upon executing this User Agreement.
INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY RESOURCES: All Ãå±±ÂÖ¼é College Information Technology Resources, including but not
limited to computers, printers, and other peripherals, programs, data, local and wide
area networks, email, and access to the internet and world wide web.
Acceptable Use: Acceptable use of the College's information technology resources is restricted to
usage for academic, educational or professional purposes which are directly related
to official College business and in support of the College's mission and are not otherwise
Users are prohibited from using college INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY resources in an unacceptable
manner including, but not limited to, the following:
Responding to Security and Abuse Incidents: If you suspect that there has been an abuse of this policy, including but not limited
to, the security of any of the College's information technology resources, notify
the employee's supervisor, the Human Resources department or, in the case of a student,
the Office of the Vice President for Enrollment Management and Student Affairs. Where
violations of law are alleged, the College Security Office should be contacted.
No Expectation of Privacy: The College's Information Technology Resources are the property of Ãå±±ÂÖ¼é
College and/or the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and are to be used in conformance
with this Policy. Users of the College's information technology resources shall have
no expectation of privacy over any communications, transmissions, e-mails or work
performed using the College's information technology resources. Use of the College's
Information Technology Resources constitutes express consent for the College to monitor
and/orinspect any data that Users create or receive, any messages they send or receive,
and any websites that they access, as well as monitor network activity in any form
that the College sees fit to maintain the integrity of the network. The College retains
the right to inspect and access any user's computer, any data contained on it, and
any data sent or received by that computer,including, but not limited to, e-mails.
NO WARRANTIES: The College makes no warranties of any kind, whether express or implied, for the service
it is providing. The College will not be responsible for any damages a User suffers.
This includes loss of data resulting from delays, no-deliveries, services interruptions
caused by the College's negligence or by the User's errors or omissions. Use of any
information obtained via the Internet is as the User's own risk. The College specifically
denies any responsibility for the accuracy or quality of information obtained through
its services. Users need to consider the source of the information they obtain and
consider how valid that information may be.
Internet and World Wide Web Access: Use of the Internet or World Wide Web is governed by these policies. Users should
be aware that the College is neither responsible for, nor maintains control over,
any pages linked to its Web Site. Users of the Internet or World Wide Web are solely
responsible for all materials viewed, stored, transmitted, or downloaded. Further,
the College does not control, monitor, review, or restrict information accessed over
the Internet or World Wide Web.
EMAIL: Ãå±±ÂÖ¼é issued email accounts to faculty, students, and staff will be the official electronic
messaging system for all college-related electronic transmission.
COPYRIGHT PROTECTION:Computer programs are valuable intellectual property. Users are not permitted to use
any software unless it is properly licensed to the College. In addition to software,
legal protections can also exist for any information published on the Internet, such
as the text and graphics on a web site. As such, it is important that Users respect
the rights of intellectual property owners. Users should exercise care and judgment
when copying or distributing information that could reasonably be expected to be copyrighted.
Pursuant to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, 17 U.S.C. §1203(i)(1)(A), Users
who engage in copyright infringement shall, at a minimum, have his/her access privileges
RESPONSIBILITY:It is the responsibility of any person using the College's Information Technology
Resources to follow this policy. The use of the College's Information Technology Resources
is a privilege, not a right, and failure to observe this policy may subject Users
to disciplinary action pursuant to collective bargaining agreements or other personnel
policies,including, but not limited to, loss of access rights, expulsion from the
College and/or discipline.
The information contained in this website is for general information purposes. Although
the College strives to keep information on the website up-to-date and correct, we
cannot guarantee that it will be so. As a result, the College makes no representations
or warranties of any kind, either express or implied, about the completeness, accuracy,
reliability, suitability, or availability of either the website itself or the information,
products, or services provided on it. The viewer to the website is responsible for
contacting the appropriate College office to verify information, and any reliance
that the visitor to the website may place on the information, products, or services
provided on the website is, therefore, strictly at his or her own risk.
In no event will the College be liable for any loss or damage whatsoever that may
arise in connection with the use of this website. Through this website, the viewer
may be able to link to other websites that are not under the control of the College.
The existence of these links does not suggest that the Colleges approves, recommends,
or endorses the content of those websites.
Users of this website should comply with the College's
"Information Technology Resources Policy and User Agreement"