All tuition and fees are determined by the Ãå±±ÂÖ¼é College Board of Trustees.
In addition to tuition and fees, students may also be charged miscellaneous items
such as, but not limited to, ID replacements, library fines, stop payment fees, or
registration fees.
Students are expected to meet their financial obligations to the College. Student
accounts not paid in full by the tuition due date are considered delinquent. Failure
to pay in full will result in holds being assessed to the account. Holds will prevent
access to future registrations, receipt of diplomas, and other Ãå±±ÂÖ¼é services.
Resident Tuition/Academic Course Fees per credit($26/$225) | $ 251.00 |
Tuition Break/Academic Course Fees per credit ($39/$225) | $ 264.00 |
Non-Resident & International /Fees per credit ($247/$225) | $ 472.00 |
Student Activities Fee (per semester) | $ 55.00 |
Technology Fee (per credit) | $ 20.00 |
Student Health Insurance (full year) | $ 3,573.00 |
Student Health Insurance (spring semester only) | $ 2,387.00 |
Applicant Fee - All residents - online | NA |
Application Fee (In-state residents, Paper Application) Non-refundable | NA |
Application Fee (Regional Resident) | NA |
Application Fee (Out-of-state residents, Paper Application) Non-refundable | NA |
Application Fee (International students, Paper Application) Non-refundable | NA |
One-Time Enrollment Fee | $ 600.00 |
Nursing Course Fee/per course | $ 400.00 |
Radiologic Technology-One time Enrollment Fee | $ 600.00 |
Radiologic Course fee/per course | $ 300.00 |
BMT 100 - Introduction to Producing & Directing | $ 150.00 |
BMT 120 - Video Techniques | $ 150.00 |
BMT 210 - Advanced TV Production | $ 150.00 |
BMT 230 - Intro to Video Editing | $ 150.00 |
BMT 235 - Advanced Video Editing | $ 150.00 |
BUS 101 - Principles of Accounting I | $ 75.00 |
BUS 102 - Principles of Accounting II | $ 75.00 |
BUS 103 - Income Taxes | $ 75.00 |
BUS 104 - Computerized Accounting | $ 75.00 |
BUS 201 - Intermediate Accounting I | $ 75.00 |
BUS 203 - Cost Accounting | $ 75.00 |
EGR 120 - Engineering Computations I | $ 75.00 |
EGR 121 - Engineering Design | $ 75.00 |
EGR 135 - Engineering Fundamentals | $ 150.00 |
EGR 220 - Engineering Computations II | $ 75.00 |
ENG 090 - Developmental Reading & Writing I | NA |
ENG 091 - Developmental Reading & Writing II | NA |
HLT 150 - Introduction to Radiologic Technology | $ 300.00 |
HLT 151 - Basic Radiologic Technology | $ 300.00 |
HLT 152 - Basic Radiologic Procedures | $ 300.00 |
HLT 170 - Principles of Radiological Quality | $ 300.00 |
HLT 171 - Radiologic Instrumentation | $ 300.00 |
HLT 172 - Intermediate Rad Procedures | $ 300.00 |
HLT 250 - Fundamentals of Radiobiology | $ 300.00 |
HLT 252 - Advanced Radiographic Procedures | $ 300.00 |
HUM 105 - Piano Keyboarding I | $ 75.00 |
HUM 106 - Piano Keyboarding II | $ 75.00 |
HUM 109 - Vocal Performance Workshop I | $ 75.00 |
HUM 141 - Acting I | $ 75.00 |
HUM 142 - Acting II | $ 75.00 |
HUM 163 - Photography I | $ 75.00 |
HUM 165 - Drawing I | $ 75.00 |
HUM 166 - Drawing II | $ 75.00 |
HUM 167 - Sculpture I | $ 75.00 |
HUM 170 - Painting I | $ 75.00 |
HUM 171 - Painting II | $ 75.00 |
HUM 180 - Modern Dance I | $ 75.00 |
HUM 181 - Modern Dance II | $ 75.00 |
IST 110 - IT Problem Solving | $ 75.00 |
IST 115 - PC Configuration & Management I | $ 75.00 |
IST 116 - PC Configuration & Management II | $ 75.00 |
IST 120 - Microcomputer Applications | $ 75.00 |
IST 121 - Advanced Microcomputer Applications | $ 75.00 |
IST 130 - Linux Operating Systems | $ 75.00 |
IST 140 - Introduction to Networking | $ 75.00 |
IST 141 - Wireless Networking | $ 75.00 |
IST 142 - Network Fundamentals | $ 75.00 |
IST 145 - Visual Basic | $ 75.00 |
IST 150 - Web Design Fluency | $ 75.00 |
IST 151 - Web Development & Design II | $ 75.00 |
IST 160 - Introduction to Game Design | $ 75.00 |
IST 170 - JAVA I | $ 75.00 |
IST 180 - Computer Science I | $ 75.00 |
IST 220 - Systems Analysis & Design | $ 75.00 |
IST 230 - Relational Databases | $ 75.00 |
IST 240 - Network Security | $ 75.00 |
IST 241 - Network Design | $ 75.00 |
IST 251 - Internet Programming | $ 75.00 |
IST 270 - JAVA II | $ 75.00 |
IST 280 - Computer Science II | $ 75.00 |
IST 281 - Data Structure & Algorithms | $ 75.00 |
LAN 111- Spanish I | $ 75.00 |
LAN 112- Spanish II | $ 75.00 |
LAN 141- French I | $ 75.00 |
LAN 142- French II | $ 75.00 |
LAN 161 -Arabic I | $ 75.00 |
LAN 162- Arabic II | $ 75.00 |
LAN 211 – Spanish III | $ 75.00 |
MAT 103 - PreCalculus | $ 225.00 |
MAT 111 - Mathematics for Technology | $ 75.00 |
MAT 114 - Quantitative Reasoning | $ 150.00 |
MAT 120 - Statistics | $ 150.00 |
NUR 102 - Clinical Judgment | $ 450.00 |
NUR 125 - Fundamentals | $ 450.00 |
NUR 175 - Intermediate | $ 450.00 |
NUR 225 - Maternity/Pediatrics | $ 450.00 |
NUR 275 - Complex | $ 450.00 |
NUR 295 - Professional Practice | $ 450.00 |
SCI 101 - Intro to Human Body I | $ 75.00 |
SCI 102 - Intro to Human Body II | $ 75.00 |
SCI 103 - Biology I | $ 75.00 |
SCI 104 - Biology II | $ 75.00 |
SCI 106 - Nutrition | $ 75.00 |
SCI 109 - Human Biology & Medical Terminology | $ 75.00 |
SCI 121 - General Chemistry I | $ 75.00 |
SCI 122 - General Chemistry II | $ 75.00 |
SCI 123 - Principles of Chemistry I | $ 75.00 |
SCI 124 - Principles of Chemistry II | $ 75.00 |
SCI 133 - Environmental Science | $ 75.00 |
SCI 141 - Physics I | $ 75.00 |
SCI 142 - Physics II | $ 75.00 |
SCI 143 - Principles of Physics I | $ 75.00 |
SCI 144 - Principles of Physics II | $ 75.00 |
SCI 151 - Integrated Science: Energy | $ 75.00 |
SCI 201 - Anatomy & Physiology I | $ 75.00 |
SCI 202 - Anatomy & Physiology II | $ 75.00 |
SCI 204 - Microbiology | $ 150.00 |
SCI 206 - Biomanufacturing I | $ 150.00 |
SCI 207 - Biomanufacturing II | $ 150.00 |
SCI 208 - Techniques in Molecular Biology | $ 150.00 |
SCI 251 - Organic Chemistry I | $ 75.00 |
SCI 252 - Organic Chemistry II | $ 75.00 |
CI 281 - Research Science I | $ 75.00 |
SSI 120 - State & Local Politics | $ 75.00 |
TEC 121 - Introduction to Engineering Design AutoCAD | $ 75.00 |
TEC 122 - Engineering Design II | $ 75.00 |
Corporate and Community Education
Non-Credit Courses (please see links below) | Varies |
Corporate and Community Education Programs | |
Lifelong Learning Programs |
* All tuition and fees are subject to revision by Ãå±±ÂÖ¼é College's Board of Trustees
** Students enrolled in nine (9) credits or more per semester are required to enroll in the Massachusetts Community College Health Insurance Plan unless they can provide proof that they are covered by another comparable health insurance policy and waive their insurance charge. Free care is not considered a comparable insurance plan. Insurance waivers are due in accordance with the deadlines set by the Business Office on your bill.
*** ATI Fees for Nursing Assessment Technologies Institute L.L.C
Tuition and fees for all credit courses are the same whether offered by the Day Division or by the Division of Continuing Education (DCE) during the evenings and on weekends. Costs for non-credit courses vary. For information about tuition and fees for credit courses, contact the Business Office.
For information about non-credit courses, contact the Division of Continuing Education. All tuition and fees may be subject to change.
Massachusetts General Law (Chapter 23) requires that any student registered for 9 or more credits must be enrolled in a health insurance plan. The Commonwealth of Massachusetts requires you to submit your health insurance information to the College via online electronic submission. Please log into:
Students who are taking fewer than nine credits at Ãå±±ÂÖ¼é College are not required to enroll in the health insurance plan.
If you enroll for the fall semester, you have until November 29, 2024 to complete the health insurance waiver process. Students who enroll for the spring semester have until March 28, 2025. Failure to waive the health insurance charge by the approved deadline will result in the insurance charges remaining on your bill. Students who do not have a qualified health insurance plan are required to enroll in the Massachusetts Community College Health Insurance Plan. This plan covers health services outside of the College.
MassHealth may qualify as a comparable coverage, but that determination is made by MassHealth. Free care that is provided by hospitals and community health centers does not qualify as adequate coverage.
At the time of registration, students receive a billing statement and a class schedule that indicates the amount charged and dates that payments are due. Students must pay all bills by the due date appearing on the bill. Students who register on or after the due date must pay at the time of registration. The College accepts payment by Personal check, Money order, Traveler's checks, VISA, MasterCard, Discover and AMEX. Monthly payment plans are also available by visiting . Ãå±±ÂÖ¼é payment plans require a 50% down payment at the time of registration. Failure to keep payment plans in good standing will result in no future payment plans and full payment at the time of registration.
All students can make payment in person at the , over the phone by calling 857-701-1250, or, current students may pay online through the MyÃå±±ÂÖ¼é portal: .
Several kinds of tuition waivers are available to Ãå±±ÂÖ¼é College students. These waivers include, but are not limited to, National Guard Members, Veterans, Senior Citizens, Native Americans, State Employees, and Wards of the State. In order to receive a tuition waiver, students must present the waivers at the time of registration or before the first day of class. If the waiver is presented after the first day of class, the College will make no adjustment. The Commonwealth of Massachusetts does not fund all courses; therefore, the use of certain waivers for those unsubsidized courses will be restricted.
Students with approved tuition waivers, tuition remissions, or tuition vouchers may register on a space-available basis, and fees must be paid. Tuition waivers, tuition remission or tuition vouchers do not apply to special programs, seminars or private instruction administered by the Corporate and Community Education. Also, certain tuition waivers, which apply to the state-supported Day Division, may not apply or be reduced for Division of Continuing Education programs (credit courses).
We are happy to serve our Veterans. Please visit or contact your nearest VA representative (V.A. Buffalo: 888-442-4551) in order to obtain your Certificate of Benefits. Please bring a printed copy of your paperwork that confirms your status as a current or former member of the United States Armed Forces (example: DD 214), waivers, Orders, and proof of health insurance to the Registrar's Office, Administration Building, Room 102.
Please visit for information concerning the Post 9/11 GI Bill. Please contact the Registrar's Office for further information and a Veteran's package. If you are a CURRENT MEMBER OF THE MASSACHUSETTS NATIONAL GUARD, please visit the following website for instructions on how to receive your tuition and fee waiver. Finally, all veterans must complete the admissions process and provide proof of high school diploma or GED.
Students who officially withdraw from a course or from the College early in the semester will not receive a refund based on the College's withdrawal policy and refund schedule (see refund policy below). Failure to attend class does not constitute official withdrawal from a course or from the College and students will be charged for their enrollment.
To officially withdraw from a course, a student must complete a Withdrawal Form (available at the advising center), which requires the approval and signature of an academic advisor. This form must then be submitted to the enrollment center and business office. Please see the financial aid office so that you are aware of how your withdrawal affects you financial aid award.
Students dropping or withdrawing from classes must complete the appropriate form available in the Advising Center, Building 2, Room 101. Failure to withdraw officially results in a grade of "F" in the course and an obligation to pay in full. The schedule of refunds for tuition and general college fees outlined in this handbook applies only when proper withdrawal or class drop procedures have been adhered to, as established by the Enrollment Services Center. Application fees and registration fees are non-refundable. Lack of attendance or course abandonment does not constitute a drop or withdrawal.
The Refund Policy applies to tuition and fees for all students who register for one or more courses at Ãå±±ÂÖ¼é. This policy goes into effect on the first day of classes for each semester.
You may add or drop classes during the ADD/DROP period without charge. The official start and end dates of the ADD/DROP period can be found on the Academic Calendar (Last Day for Schedule Changes).
Withdrawal during ADD/DROP period | 100% tuition and fees, less $30 registration fee | All courses will be deleted from the student's transcript |
After the ADD/DROP period ends | No Refund | Withdrawal (W) will appear on student's transcript |