
student in a laboratory

Business Management

Business Management

The AS degree in Business Management provides a broad background in the basic principles and applications of marketing, production, finance, personnel management, and accounting. Students who study business management build a foundation leading to success and can explore specialized business areas.  Graduates of the program also gain the fundamental knowledge needed to launch and run their own business.  


Business student

Course Requirements

Semester One Credits
ACS102 The College Experience 3.00
BUS130 Intro to Bus 3.00
ENG101 English Comp. I 3.00
HUMELECT Humanities Electives 3.00
IST120 or CIS141: Microcomp Apps 3.00
MAT100+ MAT 100 or higher 3.00
Semester Two Credits
BUS101 Prin of Acct I 3.00
BUS221 Business Law 1 3.00
ENG102 English Comp. II 3.00
SSI122 General Psychology 3.00
SSI221 Economics I: Micro 3.00
Semester Three
BUS102 Prin of Acct II 3.00
BUS131 Management I 3.00
HUMELECT Humanities Electives 3.00
SCIELECT Lab Sci Elec See Hrs/Rec 4.00
SSI222 Economics II: Macro 3.00
Semester Four
BUS141 Marketing 3.00
BUS206 Intro to Finance 3.00
BUSELECT Business Electives 3.00
BUSELECT Business Electives 3.00
BUSELECT Business Electives 3.00
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