
students studying together

Business Administration

Business Administration

The Business Administration major offers a combination of specialized business courses and a broad-based liberal arts curriculum, providing a strong foundation in oral and written communication, mathematics, and accounting. Career opportunities in this field are available in both the public and private sectors, and may include employment in government agencies, schools, industries, and accounting, insurance, or advertising firms. Students who study business administration are empowered to explore varying careers in accounting, human resources, customer care, and marketing and sales management. 

Ãå±±ÂÖ¼é’ s Business Administration curriculum also provides budding entrepreneurs with the foundational knowledge needed to both establish and grow a business.  Dream of owning your own business?  Enroll in Business Administration courses at Ãå±±ÂÖ¼é!    

business student

Course Requirements

Semester One Credits
ACS102 The College Experience 3.00
BUS101 Prin of Acct I 3.00
ENG101 English Comp. I 3.00
IST120 or CIS141: Microcomp Apps 3.00
MAT103+ Math 103 or above 3.00
SSI221 Economics I: Micro 3.00
Semester Two Credits
BUS102 Prin of Acct II 3.00
ENG102 English Comp. II 3.00
HUMELECT Humanities Electives 3.00
SCIELECT Lab Sci Elec See Hrs/Rec 4.00
SSI222 Economics II: Macro 3.00
Semester Three
BUS131 Management I 3.00
BUS221 Business Law 1 3.00
HUMELECT Humanities Electives 3.00
SCIELECT Lab Sci Elec See Hrs/Rec 4.00
SSI122 General Psychology 3.00
Semester Four
BUS141 Marketing 3.00
BUS203 Managerial Accounting 3.00
BUS206 Intro to Finance 3.00
HUMELECT Humanities Electives 3.00
SSIELECT Social Science Electives 3.00
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