
Students studying together

Arts and Humanities: Theatre Arts

Arts and Humanities: Theatre Arts

The Theatre Arts concentration provides students invaluable time on stage while introducing them to various aspects of acting and stagecraft. The program focuses on developing fundamental acting skills, as well as a deeper understanding of how to prepare for auditions, research characters, and develop a strategy for finding work as an actor.  

This program is open to anyone (it does not require an audition), and students are encouraged to enroll regardless of whether they have prior or formal theatre training. Ãå±±ÂÖ¼é regularly offers fundamental acting classes Acting I (HUM 141) and II (HUM 142), as well as History of the Theatre (HUM 240) and other special topics related to the craft. 

students acting on stage

Course Requirements

Semester One Credits
ACS102 The College Experience 3.00
ENG101 English Comp. I 3.00
IST120 or CIS141: Microcomp Apps 3.00
LANELECT World Language Elective 3.00
MAT100+ MAT 100 or higher 3.00
Semester Two Credits
ENG102 English Comp. II 3.00
ENG110 Intro to Speech 3.00
LANELECT World Language Elective 3.00
SCIELECT Lab Sci Elec See Hrs/Rec 4.00
TAELECT Theatre Arts Electives 3.00
Semester Three Credits
SCIELECT Lab Sci Elec See Hrs/Rec 4.00
SSIELECT Social Science Electives 3.00
SSIELECT Social Science Electives 3.00
TAELECT Theatre Arts Electives 3.00
TAELECT Theatre Arts Electives 3.00
Semester Four Credits
HUMELECT Humanities Electives 3.00
HUMELECT Humanities Electives 3.00
HUMELECT Humanities Electives 3.00
HUMELECT Humanities Electives 3.00
SSIELECT Social Science Electives 3.00
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