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Library Tutorial Videos
Remote Learning Tools Description

Software from Proquest for organizing and formatting the sources and citations you'll use for your assignments.

Microsoft's cloud storage software. You can use it to store files that you want to keep available to you wherever you are.

A video call software, also from Microsoft.It offers a suite of tools for collaboration, meetings, and file sharing.

Video call software widely used for business, telemedicine, and education.

Word processing software for writing papers, resumes, and other documents. Probably Microsoft's most popular products.

Presentation sotfware from Microsoft. You can make slides and PDFs with it.
Basic Library Tools Description

In this video, learn how to search the library catalog to find books, ebooks, DVDs, and streaming videos and how to request materials from other libraries.

Plagiarism 101

Learn how to avoid plagiarism and the basics of citation in this interactive tutorial.

Click here to access the APA citations handout

Learn how to avoid plagiarism and cite your sources in APA format.

Click here to access the MLA citations handout

Learn how to avoid plagiarism and cite your sources in MLA format.

This tutorial provides an overview of RefWorks, a citation manager that is fully integrated with the library's databases.


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