Remote Learning Tools | Description |
Software from Proquest for organizing and formatting the sources and citations you'll use for your assignments. |
Microsoft's cloud storage software. You can use it to store files that you want to keep available to you wherever you are. |
A video call software, also from Microsoft.It offers a suite of tools for collaboration, meetings, and file sharing. |
Video call software widely used for business, telemedicine, and education. |
Word processing software for writing papers, resumes, and other documents. Probably Microsoft's most popular products. |
Presentation sotfware from Microsoft. You can make slides and PDFs with it. |
Basic Library Tools | Description |
In this video, learn how to search the library catalog to find books, ebooks, DVDs, and streaming videos and how to request materials from other libraries. |
Plagiarism 101
Learn how to avoid plagiarism and the basics of citation in this interactive tutorial. |
Learn how to avoid plagiarism and cite your sources in APA format. | |
Learn how to avoid plagiarism and cite your sources in MLA format. | |
This tutorial provides an overview of RefWorks, a citation manager that is fully integrated with the library's databases. |