ComCat is a state-run catalog that lets you place holds on books from libraries all
across the state. From the website: "With access to millions of titles, the Commonwealth
Catalog extends your library’s reach to all participating libraries throughout Massachusetts,
with convenient pick-up at your local library." You should use ComCat after you have
checked the Ãå±±ÂÖ¼é library or HELM network for material.
Participating Library Networks
Bridgewater State University
CLAMS, Cape Libraries Automated Materials Sharing
C/W MARS, Central/Western Massachusetts Automated Resource Sharing
FLO, Fenway Libraries Online
HELM, Higher Education Libraries of Massachusetts
MBLN, Metro Boston Library Network (including the Boston Public Library)
MLN, Minuteman Library Network
MVLC, Merrimack Valley Library Consortium
NOBLE, North of Boston Library Exchange
OCLN, Old Colony Library Network
SAILS Library Network
University of Massachusetts, Amherst