Name | Description |
Arts | |
This database provides articles on topics including drama, music, art history, and filmmaking. | |
Biography | |
This database contains more than 400,000 biographies on nearly 275,000 people gathered from over 90 reference sources as well as 250 magazines. You can search for one or more of these fields: birth and death year, nationality, ethnicity, occupation or gender. | |
Business | |
This database provides coverage of accounting, economics, finance, marketing, management, and strategy, as well as business theory and practice. Users will understand the activities of companies and industries worldwide through nearly 4,000 business and trade publications. | |
With premium full-text content and peer-reviewed business journals, this database is an essential tool for business students. It covers all disciplines of business, including marketing, management, accounting, banking, finance and more. | |
This database provides useful content for starting a business, marketing a product, developing policy, analyzing trends, constructing economic models, investing for the future, researching rates, and more. | |
Regional Business News is a full-text newswire database that incorporates business wires from all over the world. | |
Careers | |
This database provides guidance and essential activities to both current job seekers and those investigating new career options. Key features include resumé and cover letter creation support, interactive interview practice, and tools to match previous work or military experience to potential career paths. | |
Vocations and Careers Collection provides resources on finding an appropriate institution of learning, job searching, and maintaining a career. This collection includes content from general career guides to highly specialized industry journals. | |
Education | |
The Chronicle of Higher Education is an American news source covering issues regarding higher education and academia. |
ERIC, the U.S. Department of Education Educational Resource Information Center database, contains citations and abstracts from over 980 educational and education-related journals, as well as full text of more than 2,200 digests. | |
Professional Development Collection provides a highly specialized collection of nearly 440 full-text journals, designed for professional educators. | |
Teacher Reference Center provides indexing and abstracts for more than 270 of the most popular teacher and administrator journals and magazines to assist professional educators. | |
Encyclopedias |
Britannica Library Reference Center provides encyclopedia articles relating to a broad range of topics. | |
Through the Credo Reference database, students have access to hundreds of in-depth subject encyclopedias and handbooks covering every major subject from Accounting to Art History and Shakespeare to Einstein. | |
Funk & Wagnalls New Encyclopedia is a reference database that provides over 25,000 encyclopedic entries. | |
General |
Academic OneFile is a leading source for peer-reviewed, full-text articles from the world's leading journals and reference sources. It has extensive coverage of the physical sciences, technology, medicine, social sciences, the arts, theology, literature, and other subjects. | |
Designed for academic institutions, this database is a leading resource for scholarly research. It supports high-level research in the key areas of academic study by providing journals, periodicals, reports, books and more. | |
From arts and the humanities to social sciences, science, and technology, Gale Academic OneFile Select meets research needs across all academic disciplines. Through this database, you can access scholarly journals, magazines, and newspapers with full text and images. | |
Gale General OneFile is a general database that has articles on health care, the humanities, law, literature and art, politics, science, social sciences, sports, technology, and many general interest topics. | |
Global Issues in Context offers international viewpoints on a broad spectrum of global issues, topics, and current events. The database features specially selected, highly relevant sources for analysis of social, political, military, economic, environmental, health, and cultural issues. | |
Library, Information Science & Technology Abstract (LISTA) indexes more than 600 periodicals plus books, research reports, and proceedings. Subject coverage includes librarianship, classification, cataloging, bibliometrics, and online research. | |
MAS Reference eBook Collection contains nonfiction and reference books from top educational publishers, including Abdo Publishing Company, Cherry Lake Publishing, Crabtree Publishing, Lerner Publishing Group, Rourke Publishing and dozens of university presses. | |
MasterFILE Premier provides full text for nearly 1,860 periodicals covering nearly all subjects including general reference, business, health, and much more. | |
MasterFILE Reference eBook Collection offers a rich selection of ebook titles covering a broad range of general reference subjects. Topics include biography, history, careers, cooking, literature, genealogy, health, parenting, personal finance, politics, architecture, science, current events, social-emotional health, sports, and travel. | |
Opposing Viewpoints in Context is a one-stop source for information on today's relevant and controversial social issues. It features viewpoint articles, topic overviews, magazine, academic journal, and newspaper articles, primary source documents, statistics, images, podcasts, and links to websites. | |
Pop Culture Collection provides access to scholarly journals and magazines that both analyze and contribute to popular culture. The database offers useful information for researchers in social science, history, art or liberal arts courses. | |
PrepSTEP for Community Colleges is an online learning center where users can build foundational skills for the academics and the workplace, including test preparation and basic computer skills. | |
Health/Nursing | |
AHFS Consumer Medication Information is a trusted source and recognized standard for patient drug information, available in both English and Spanish. AHFS includes more than a thousand drug information monographs written in accessible language for consumers. | |
BioDigital Human provides access to the most complete, scientifically accurate, interactive 3D body ever assembled. Virtually explore anatomy and health conditions and customize interactive models. | |
Designed for doctors, research scientists, students and clinical specialists, Biomedical Reference Collection: Basic Edition provides full-text, indexing and abstracts for top biomedical journals. It covers a range of subjects, including medicine, dentistry, veterinary medicine and pre-clinical sciences. | |
CINAHL Ultimate is the definitive full-text database for nursing and allied health research. It offers full-text access to a substantial portion of the most frequently cited journals in the CINAHL index. | |
Health and Medicine provides articles on fitness, pregnancy, medicine, nutrition, diseases, public health, occupational health and safety, alcohol and drug abuse, HMOs, prescription drugs and much more. | |
Perfect for researchers at all levels, this comprehensive consumer health resource provides authoritative information on the full range of health-related issues, from current disease and disorder information to in-depth coverage of alternative medical practices. | |
With Health Source: Consumer Edition, you can search for information on many health topics including the medical sciences, food sciences and nutrition, childcare, sports medicine, and general health. Use this database when searching for introductory or more practical information. | |
Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition includes nearly 550 scholarly full-text journals focusing on many medical disciplines. It also features abstracts and indexing for nearly 850 journals. Use this database for your scholarly or academic research. | |
MEDLINE provides authoritative medical information on medicine, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, the health care system, pre-clinical sciences, and much more. Created by the National Library of Medicine, MEDLINE allows users to search abstracts from over 4,600 current biomedical journals. | |
Developed in collaboration with an advisory board of nursing and allied health faculty, researchers, and librarians, Nursing & Allied Health Premium delivers a mix of practical and theoretical content in an interface that helps students build the research and clinical skills they'll need for success in their courses and careers. | |
Nursing and Allied Health Collection covers all aspects of the nursing profession from direct patient care to health care administration. This collection's current and authoritative content will be of use to professionals already working in the field as well as nursing students. | |
Physical Therapy and Sports Medicine Collection includes over 100 titles covering the fields of physical therapy and sports medicine. Both researcher and practitioner alike will find relevant, authoritative content in this collection. | |
History |
HeritageQuest provides access to more than 4.4 billion records. It delivers an essential collection of genealogical and historical sources—with coverage dating back to the 1700s—that can help people find their ancestors and discover a place’s past. | |
U.S. History in Context provides integrated access to over 4,000 historical (primary) documents, articles from more than 30 reference titles, and over 110 full-text journals covering themes, events, individuals, and periods in U.S. history from pre-Colonial times to the present. | |
This database reaches back to the ancient world—and forward to today's headlines—to deliver a chronicle of the people, cultures, events, and societies that have formed the history of the human race. A range of topics such as Aztecs, Industrial Revolution, Silk Road, the Buddha, Space Race, and more provide a wide perspective across the globe. | |
Legal Studies |
Criminal Justice Abstracts with Full Text contains more than 400,000 records selected from the most important sources within the discipline. | |
Criminal Justice Collection has access to over five million articles to help students studying law or law enforcement, training for paralegal service, preparing for a career in Homeland Security, going to court, writing sociological reports, and much more. | |
HeinOnline is a premier online database containing more than 165 million pages and 200,000 titles of historical and government documents in a fully searchable, image-based format. HeinOnline bridges an important research gap by providing comprehensive coverage from inception of more than 2,600 law-related periodicals. | |
Literature |
Gale Literature provides access to full-text literary works, journal articles, literature criticism and analysis, reviews, author biographies, bibliographies, multimedia, and a rich collection of scholarly overviews. | |
Literature Resource Center provides up-to-date biographical information, overviews, full-text literary criticism, and reviews on more than 130,000 writers in all disciplines, from all time periods and from around the world. | |
Military & Government |
The Military and Government Collection provides full text for over 320 military related periodicals and general interest magazines. | |
War and Terrorism Collection provides access to academic journals and magazines of interest to analysts, risk management professionals, and students of military science, history, and social science. The database offers balanced coverage of both historic and contemporary topics in the fields of war and terrorism. | |
Multicultural |
African American Experience is the widest-ranging and easiest-to-use online collection on African American life ever assembled. This database is the definitive electronic research tool for African American history and culture. | |
The Diversity Studies Collection is a must-have for social science, history and liberal arts coursework. This collection explores cultural differences, contributions, and influences in our global community. | |
This research database offers content covering issues related to race in society. Essays, articles, reports, and other sources provide an in-depth look at the history of race and provide critical context for learning more about topics associated with race, ethnicity, diversity, and inclusiveness. | |
Gender Studies Collection provides balanced coverage of this significant aspect of culture and society. The database offers access to scholarly journals and magazines covering topics including gender studies, family and marital issues, and more. | |
News & Newspapers |
The Boston Globe database offers complete full-text content of local and regional news, including community events, schools, politics, government policies, cultural activities, local companies, state industries, and people in the community. | |
The New York Times database provides access to full-text articles from the New York Times starting from 1995. | |
The Digital Subscription of the New York Times allows you to create your own account and view the latest articles on | |
Gale OneFile News provides access to more than 1,100 major U.S. regional, national and local newspapers as well as leading titles from around the world. It also includes thousands of images, radio and TV broadcasts and transcripts. | |
Popular Magazines provides access to the most searched magazines across the InfoTrac products. All of the titles are selected based on actual publication searches performed by library patrons and the database includes many titles recommended by Bowker's "Magazines for Libraries." | |
Psychology |
This database provides access to authoritative periodical content supporting research in all fields of psychology—abnormal, biological, cognitive, comparative, developmental, personality, quantitative, social and all areas of applied psychology. | |
Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection is a comprehensive database with nearly 480 full text titles covering topics such as emotional and behavioral characteristics, psychiatry and psychology, mental processes, anthropology, and observational and experimental methods. | |
Covering the latest concepts, theories and methods from both applied and theoretical aspects of the social sciences, this full-text database includes the most important English-language social science journals. | |
Religion and Philosophy |
Religion and Philosophy provides coverage of world religions, denominations, biblical studies, religious history, epistemology, political philosophy, philosophy of language, moral philosophy, and history of philosophy. It offers 300 full-text journals, including more than 250 peer-reviewed titles. | |
Science |
This collection provides broad coverage of agriculture and its related fields. Researchers have access to current and authoritative periodical content that spans the industry—from practical aspects of farming to cutting-edge scientific research in horticulture. | |
Engineering Source is the premier database for professionals and researchers across all engineering disciplines, including biomedical, civil, electrical, mechanical, environmental and software. It includes hundreds of full-text engineering journals, magazines and trade publications, plus books, conference papers and more. | |
Environment Complete is a leading full-text database for environmental studies. It provides hundreds of top environment journals and monographs covering agriculture, ecosystem ecology, energy, public policy, sustainability and other related subjects. |
Environmental Studies and Policy Collection has over 800 journals and 6 subject specific Delmar reference titles that provide robust coverage of environmental issues and policies, including diverse perspectives from the scientific community, governmental policy makers, and corporate interests. | |
Integrating case studies, news, reference materials, academic journals, videos, and more, Environmental Studies is updated daily with relevant information. The resource offers nearly 400 topic, state, and province pages across the science, social studies, and humanities curriculum, including Water Privatization, Ecotourism, Air Pollution, Green Economy, and more. | |
Gale Interactive: Science pairs high-quality digital content with interactive 3D models and empowers instructors to lead virtual science labs and lessons. |
GreenFILE offers well-researched information covering all aspects of human impact to the environment. Its collection of scholarly, government and general-interest titles includes content on global warming, green building, pollution, sustainable agriculture, renewable energy, recycling, and more. | |
Educators and students use our innovative video collections in the JoVE Science Education Library to better teach and learn key concepts and fundamental techniques at the undergraduate course level. These simple, easy-to-understand video demonstrations cover a wide range of STEM subjects including Biology, Chemistry, Environmental Science, Psychology, Clinical Medicine and Engineering. | |
ProQuest Science Database is a growing resource of 7.3 million full text articles from over 1,600 sources. In full-text format, researchers have access to all the charts, diagrams, graphs, tables, photos, and other graphical elements so vital to scientific and engineering literature. | |
Supporting high school curricula and university coursework, Science in Context features authoritative information for assignments and projects and provides detailed coverage of popular subjects. | |
Specialized |
Communications and Mass Media Collection provides access to academic journals and magazines focusing on all aspects of the communications field. Key subjects covered in the database include advertising and public relations, literature and writing, linguistics, and more. | |
This database provides more than 4.5 million articles from more than 200 home improvement-focused titles, covering topics including architectural techniques, tool and material selection, zoning requirements, and others. | |
This database provides access to scholarly journals, magazines, and trade publications that cover topics including the cultural and economic aspects of travel and tourism. It offers coverage of both the historical and current state of affairs in the hospitality and tourism industries. | |
Statistics |
PolicyMap is a U.S. national data and mapping tool that combines a curated, comprehensive geographic data library with simple, robust mapping and analytics tools. |