
Roxbury Building

News & Updates

Fall 2014 registration is now underway


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Registration is now a one-stop process with the Advising, Admissions, Financial Aid, Registrar’s, and Business Offices all located in one place. Student IDs may also be obtained. Please make your one-stop visit on the second floor of the Student Center Building (Building 4).


Open Registration (August 18 -29, 2014 | Building 4, Second Floor)

Monday and Thursday

9:00AM – 6:30PM

Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday

9:00AM – 5:00PM

Late Registration (Building 4, Second Floor)

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

1:00PM – 6:30PM

Classes Begin September 3, 2014
NOTE:  Students may not register for a new class after the first class session.
Click to download the Registration layout. ( required)

Students admitted to the College after 6:00P.M. will be assessed on the following business day.




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